Anahita’s journey, when the bathtub comes in through the window

Have you ever wondered how they get those really big pieces of furniture into a home? A large freestanding bathtub for example, whose weight and dimensions mean it won’t fit through a standard door frame in the home. In these cases, the Mastella fitters use their ingenuity to come up with truly creative solutions and that leads to some weird and wonderful journeys. This time around we have documented the journey of our Anahita!

Anahita’s grand entrance

A few months back a bicolour finish Anahita left our Treviso plant to go and furnish a stunning penthouse apartment just outside the city. The front door was immediately excluded as a means of entry. So what could we do? Our bathtubs are made of tough stuff and so they won’t let a little obstacle like that stand in their way.  If you can’t get there by land, the solution is simple. You’ll just have to fly. Our baths in fact come ready delivered with special slings, essential supports for manoeuvring the bath on the ground or suspended, to make it easier to move the bath around in any circumstances. And so Anahita, with its imposing dimensions (we’re talking about a 400-litre capacity tub that weighs 185 kg), left our transport truck to continue its journey by crane. Slowly and taking all the necessary precautions, it ascended into the clear blue sky and landed gracefully on the terrace to make a true V.I.P. entrance!

Installation of the bathtub

The behind-the-scenes installation stories about bathroom units, bathtubs, showers and washbasins are also often full of funny anecdotes or little secrets, that no-one imagines when they see the end results. In this case we see the gap created using the 1:1 scale measurements that Mastella issues to create the correct bath positioning point, where the plumbing connections required for the Anahita installation come out. The bathtub remains in the correct position, but raised up on polystyrene supports provided by Mastella, until it is lowered onto the floor. Installing such large bathtubs is much simpler if, as in our case, the supplier designs and provides all the necessary equipment for each delicate step. We can indeed say that here the freestanding bathtub is the real star of the show in the bathroom, to the extent that it is the home that adapts to its spaces and not the other way round. Looking at the end result, we all agree that it was totally worth the effort!

Do you have a particular project in mind, but don’t know where to start?

Contact us and we can work out the best solution for your next bathroom together!