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Decorating an office bathroom

Even in the workplace bathroom decor deserves special attention. The spaces must be highly functional and comfortable without giving up aesthetics, especially if the.. .
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Make way for 80s inspirations!

Among the 2017 design trends, the return of the 80s is imposing, which is being revisited in contemporary terms. The decor of those years.. .
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Your own Spa at home

Last trends about bath furnitures go in a pretty clear direction: whichever its size is, the bathroom has now evolved into an actual oasis.. .
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Tile for the bathroom: a few tips for choosing the right one

Per scegliere le piastrelle giuste vanno considerati diversi criteri, che comprendono sia le caratteristiche estetiche, quali colori, pattern e dimensioni, sia le specifiche tecniche, quali scivolosità, indice di assorbimento dell’acqua e resistenza a rotture e abrasioni.
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Total black Design

After years of dominating trends in decorating, white, the color associated with light and purity, he is handing over its scepter to black, a.. .